You wake up in a room... on a bed, not a sound. just a bed and a white room. nothing in the room. just you, and the bed...
[[Go to sleep]]
[[Get up]]You choose to go to sleep. you end up falling asleep, you wake up and there are people shining lights in your eyes...
[[Sit there confused]]you choose to get up. when you do you fall and hit your head... Then blood runs down your face. you panic...
[[Scream for help]]
[[Take off shirt and tie it around your head to try to stop the bleeding]]You scream for help as more and more blood drips down your face... You pass out after a minutes of fuzzy vision and you never wake up.... //**You Bled Out**//
[[Credits]]Everything to make this game was done by: Phayden.
Idea for game: My messed up mind
Program used to make game: Twine
This took me a long time to make, i hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for playing! click [[Where am i now?]] to restart!You rip off your shirt and tie it around your forehead... after a minute or two the blood stops
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Try to get up again]]Your crawl back to bed... you manage to get there but your head still hurts... and now you are laying in bed
[[Go to sleep]]
[[Try to get up again]]You take your time to get up this time, you get up but are dizzy...
[[Walk to the wall]]
[[Try to get your balance]]You start trying to walk towards the wall infront of you... you start to fall forward...
[[Run towards the wall trying to catch yourself]]
[[let yourself fall]]After a minute you still havn't got your balance and your vision starts getting blurry... You start breathing heavier...
[[Try to walk to the wall]]
[[Sit down]]
You almost faceplant but you manage to run into the wall catching yourself on the soft foam walls....
[[Look for exit]]
[[Catch your breath]]as you fall time seems to slow down... your body automaticly sticks your arms out and catches yourself.... you slowly let your self down till you are laying on your belly...
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Try to get up again]]
You look around the room... Not a door in sight.. Nothing even looks like a door....
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Sit on the ground]]
[[Scream for someone]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You slowly sit down with your back to the wall and you are faceing the bed...
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Think for a second]]You scream but it is no use... Nothing happens... you slowly sit down with your back to the wall and faceing the bed...
[[Think for a second]]
[[Crawl back to bed]]You try to think... "how did i get here?" You think to yourself.. After your first thought you start having flashbacks of a guy.... You get a headache so bad you can't think anymore...
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Try to think again]]You try to think again but you get a horrible headache forceing you to stop thinking...
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Try to think again]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You sit down...
[[Crawl back to bed]]
[[Think for a second]]You try to scream but you have a mask on that will not allow you to make any noise...
[[Sit there confused]]
[[Start crying]]You sit there confused... The lights fade and you can see... You are straped down in a chair... Also there are doctors looking at you...
[[Sit and wait]]
The doctors twist a valve... You slowly start passing out....
[[Let yourself passout]]
[[Try to not passout]]The doctors twist a valve... You slowly start to passout...
[[Let yourself passout]]
[[Try to not passout]]You passout...
[[Wake up]]You fail and passout...
[[Wake up]]You wake up... You are in the empty white room with a bed again... But this time the door is open slightly... You no longer have the mask on...
[[Get up and walk to the door]]
[[Listen to see if you can hear anyone]]You get up, still hard to keep your balance but you manage... You slowly walk towards the door... You fall to the right....
[[Lean left]]
[[Keep walking forward]]You sit there listening for a good 3 minutes.... "..." You hear nothing but your own breathing...
[[Get up and walk to the door]]
[[Keep listening]]You lean left and fall to the left...
[[Keep walking forward leaning left and right to keep balance]]
[[Keep walking forward]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You keep listening.... "..."
[[Keep listening]]
[[Get up and walk to the door]]You lean back and forth and keep walking straight.. You make it to the door
[[Open the door]]
[[Try to get your balance...]]You open the door... There is a hall... 4 rooms on each side...
[[Walk into the first room on the left]]
[[Walk into the Second room on the left]]
[[Walk into the third room on the left]]
[[walk into the forth room on the left]]
[[Walk into the first room on the right]]
[[Walk into the Second room on the right]]
[[Walk into the third room on the right]]
[[walk into the forth room on the right]]You try to get your balance... No luck still dizzy...
[[Open the door]]
[[Try to get your balance...]]You walk into the room... There is a computer and a file full of paper..
[[Try to access the computer]]
[[Open the file]]
[[Leave the room]]When you enter the room... You see there is a chair in the middle of it, Nothing else in the room. The chair has straps on it, They look like they are used to hold people down
[[Look more at the chair]]
[[Leave the room]]You walk into the room, It looks like a doctors office, Needles, Medication and a laptop... There is a peice of paper in the room
[[Try to access the laptop]]
[[Grab the peace of paper]]You walk into the room, There is a computer, It is on...
[[Go on the computer]]
[[Leave the room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You try to access the computer... It is no use.. Computer is fried...
[[Open the file]]
[[Leave the room]]You open the file... You read this... "Patient Echo has been showing Symtoms of Schizophrenia." Then this "After Patient Echoes accident They have been unstable, burtsing out in anger, fear and desperation. harming anyone who dares attempt contact" You don't know who this "Patient Echo" is.. But you are curious
[[Read more of the file]]
[[Leave the room]]You leave the room... You are back in the hall
[[Walk into the first room on the left]]
[[Walk into the Second room on the left]]
[[Walk into the third room on the left]]
[[walk into the forth room on the left]]
[[Walk into the first room on the right]]
[[Walk into the Second room on the right]]
[[Walk into the third room on the right]]
[[walk into the forth room on the right]]You try to read more of the file.... "Patient Echo, Better known as-" The file is missing...
[[Try to access the computer]]
[[Leave the room]]The chair is made of leather, Finely strapped and crafted well... The chair has read stains on it... On the side of the hair there are these numbers "01010000 01100001 01110100 01101001 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01000101 01100011 01101000 01101111 01100101 01110011 00100000 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010"
[[Leave the room]]
[[Look more at the chair]]"Error: Disk drive missing, Please return"
[[Leave the room]]
[[Grab the peace of paper]]The paper reads, "Behind the laptop"
[[Leave the room]]
[[Look behind the laptop]]You move the laptop, there is a voice recorder..
[[Press play]]
[[Leave the room]]You press play and this sound plays, "-. --- ...- . -- -... . .-. / .---- .---- - .... .-.-.- / .---- ----. ----. ----. --..-- / .... . .-. / -... .. .-. - .... -.. .- -.--" Your reconize it is morse code, You don't remember how you reconized it. But you did
[[Leave the room]]
[[Try to access the laptop]]You go on it, There is just a black box that you can type in...
[[Type "Hello?"]]
[[Type "Open computer log"]]
[[Leave the room]]The computer types back "Hello, Who are you?"
[[I don't know, i woke up in a white room can you help me?]]
[[A doctor.]]
[[Leave the room]]The computer types back "Certenly, Please type in your ID
[[Type in random numbers]]
[[I don't have one]]
[[Leave the room]]The computer types back "Please return to your room and wait for a athurized person to assist you"
[[Leave the room]]May i have your ID?
[[Type in random numbers]]
[[Leave the room]]The computer types back "Sorry that is incorrect, Please watch your spelling"
[[Type in random numbers]]
[[Leave the room]]
[[Type "Hello?"]]The computer shuts down...
[[Leave the room]][img[UnKnown]]